Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Starbucks, The Event

Back in the motherland, Starbucks is the most popular stop-off for the harassed, office-bound proletariat seeking a pick-me-up. It is a casual gathering place and an ideal study spot for those needing just enough commotion to concentrate. Certainly, no one would bat an eye at a patron clad in Juicy sweats and Uggs, sans make-up and hair a little wayward from the previous night’s festivities.

In Mexico, however, Starbucks is not merely a place . . . it’s a destination.

In the cosmopolitan centers of our southern neighbor, you will be looked at askance if you dare enter this hallowed coffee ground without proper prior coiffing. Any day of the week, entry warrants high heels, designer jeans, suits, big earrings, shoes shined, hair down and eyelashes up. Estas listo? Don’t be surprised if the place is jumping at 10 o’clock at night and the people appear one mocha blanco away from the Latin Grammy’s. Don’t be surprised if the music picks up and the making-out begins. And don’t be surprised if that suave sophisticate you met out salsa dancing the night before asks you on a date to the site of the most recognizable cafĂ© brand on the face of the earth. He isn’t insulting you, ladies, he’s wooing you.

Indeed, Seattle might have given the world something to help it endure the day’s ridiculousness, however over-priced and socio-economically controversial, but Mexico has made it pure legend.


The Brooks said...

does this mean you have made it to your destination safely? you need to write more about your adventures instead of writing a book on places! I want to know what is going on! You are coming back to GDL tomorrow, right??

Unknown said...

I want to see that!! Starbucks like we never saw it before! Even in Paris or in Japan, it is like in the US!! When we come visit you, I want to go to a Starbucks! :D